Christmas cards and birthdays...
Christmas is upon us again, just a few more months and it will be here again.
But birthdays are often something to think about as well. And what if you combine them?
At, we have come up with the birthday Christmas card service.
During the year, we make sure you have an original gift for your staff or family members, e.g. a portrait caricature on a mug or apron.
We save all drawings and at the beginning of December we contact you for the Christmas card.
The design can be a template, e.g. of the sleigh, but a customised idea is also possible.
Or the other way round, of course! All drawings of the Christmas card are used throughout the year to make a personal birthday gift!
This way you kill two birds with one stone!
Birthdays become something to look forward to and relations look forward to the original Christmas card. In the past, many of the Christmas cards have already become collectors' items!!!